Sunday, December 7, 2008

So.... I have to make this quick because my Dad is recording for his show soon... Anyways. What was I saying? Oh right! Yes, I did O.K. at my audition. And no, I did not get a call back (Let's see that would be the... 4th time??) I honestly think somethings wrong with me. I really do... Oh well! Anyways! The cast list comes out on the 9th, and I guarantee you that I will get the Jungle of Nool chorus... AGAIN! *Sigh*... Oh well, I think I need to find my talent, you know? What talent God gifted me is unknown. Maybe I'm one of those people who don't have one? I don't know. I've tried pretty much everything, and I'm O.K. with them... Well, whatever. This is not a moping post. This is a post where.... I don't know actually. Hmmm.... Well, this is a thankful post. I'm thankful for (Eh, I'm a little late, but hey! I need to be thankful!):
  1. I can sing pretty well.
  2. I can dance okay, I have rythm at least.
  3. I can act pretty well, overacting is the key. (At least on stage ;)
  4. I have my own room... HALLELUIJIAH!
  5. I have a family who cares.
  6. I have a house to live in.
  7. I have clothes to wear.
  8. I have food to eat.
  9. I have a mother who cares.
  10. And a good father too, considering he goes to work 5 days a week for his familys sake.
  11. I have friends that are actually friends, and not "friends".
  12. I excel in schoolwork. :)
  13. I'm a good listener.
  14. I have a soft heart.
  15. I care for others (Hence Club Helping Hands...)
  16. I have my OWN COMPUTER! My own NICE computer!
  17. I have a video camera (It aint the best, but it's good enough I guess).
  18. I am fashionably modest.
  19. I am neat.
  20. I can edit pretty well too...
  21. I'm creative. (Creative spirit!)
Yes folks, the list could go on and on and on and on and on and on and... Well, you get the point. I did this a long time ago (Lke a couple Months, I guess), in my diary. And yes, this post partially pertains to acting. The beginning paragraph anyways... So, TTYL!!!!



Livie said...

Does the cast list come out online or will they just call you like last time? If they post it online, could you email me the link? Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I don't think they'll post it online (Although it would be sooo much easier if they did) I think they'll call.
