Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hey bloggers (Or viewers),

Here is a short video that the Little Women group and I did in November. Just in time for Christmas! Funny thing is, the winter weather report by Sandy Claus (AKA Livie or Olivia) is actually true for us here in Michigan! We're expected to get LOT'S of snow! It brings to mind a song.... I'M DREAMING OF A WHITE CHRISTMAS!!! The last couple of years all the snow melts before Christmas, but I have a feeling this year will be different! Please enjoy the video, and feel free to give feedback on my editing and such. You can also view video HERE!



Sunday, December 7, 2008

So.... I have to make this quick because my Dad is recording for his show soon... Anyways. What was I saying? Oh right! Yes, I did O.K. at my audition. And no, I did not get a call back (Let's see that would be the... 4th time??) I honestly think somethings wrong with me. I really do... Oh well! Anyways! The cast list comes out on the 9th, and I guarantee you that I will get the Jungle of Nool chorus... AGAIN! *Sigh*... Oh well, I think I need to find my talent, you know? What talent God gifted me is unknown. Maybe I'm one of those people who don't have one? I don't know. I've tried pretty much everything, and I'm O.K. with them... Well, whatever. This is not a moping post. This is a post where.... I don't know actually. Hmmm.... Well, this is a thankful post. I'm thankful for (Eh, I'm a little late, but hey! I need to be thankful!):
  1. I can sing pretty well.
  2. I can dance okay, I have rythm at least.
  3. I can act pretty well, overacting is the key. (At least on stage ;)
  4. I have my own room... HALLELUIJIAH!
  5. I have a family who cares.
  6. I have a house to live in.
  7. I have clothes to wear.
  8. I have food to eat.
  9. I have a mother who cares.
  10. And a good father too, considering he goes to work 5 days a week for his familys sake.
  11. I have friends that are actually friends, and not "friends".
  12. I excel in schoolwork. :)
  13. I'm a good listener.
  14. I have a soft heart.
  15. I care for others (Hence Club Helping Hands...)
  16. I have my OWN COMPUTER! My own NICE computer!
  17. I have a video camera (It aint the best, but it's good enough I guess).
  18. I am fashionably modest.
  19. I am neat.
  20. I can edit pretty well too...
  21. I'm creative. (Creative spirit!)
Yes folks, the list could go on and on and on and on and on and on and... Well, you get the point. I did this a long time ago (Lke a couple Months, I guess), in my diary. And yes, this post partially pertains to acting. The beginning paragraph anyways... So, TTYL!!!!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

TWO MONTHS?!? And some news...

Hi none of you (considering all of you who check this blog out, have given up to new posts),

I must say the reason I (Nicki) Haven't been posting on here is because I haven't had any auditions or ANYTHING related to acting! Wait a sec... Livie and I made some videos, and I put the on YouTube, titled: The BFFNMW Show!! Part one and two. Just click HERE and it will take you to my page on YT. So, the really reason I got an urge to post on here? Well, I haven't told anyone, but I have an AUDITION TODAY! WOO HOO! Yes, I know. It's great. I'm auditioning with a friend I met at the library a few weeks ago at the TAB meeting at my library. I told her all about it and she wants to audition with me. Well, some of you may know I was in Bye Bye Birdie, the same High School is doing another community play this year, and ironically they are doing Seussical the Musical. Can I hear a 'WOOT WOOT'?!? Didn't think so... Anyways. The ironic part (for those of you who don't know) is Seussical (Jr.) was the last play I was in before I moved.... *Sob* No, I will NEVER GET OVER IT! So, yeah. A faulty thing though is I have a cough and cold, but I attempted signing Silent Night without my voice cracking earlier, so HOPEFULLY it won't crack at the auditions. So, please pray for me, and my friend Vicki. I know that I'll most definitely get in, but I REALLY want a lead (Don't I always?) Like Gertrude most definitely (I wouldn't mind a bird girl at the least) Oh well, it IS a musical, so I'll be happy with whatever part I get. I'm getting nervous now. One, because usually first day audition nights are the busiest. (I can't got tomorrow due to visiting my Grandparents and Church) and two, because I have a cough/cold. Three? Well, excitement of being in another play of course!
2:50 minutes until my auditions!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

*Drum roll*

Okay, so, this is a post in league of my other post on my other blog (?) My Exciting, and Unique Life as a Girl. Soooo.... Drum roll please! *Drum roll*

Actually, I don't think I ever even mentioned that subject before on either blog, so I'l start from the beginning...

One day, in the exciting day of Nicole, the mail came. Yes, it was so excting to see the same old mailwoman, walk up quickly to the door, with an unusually small pile of mail. So, she walked up to our door, opened our gold mailbox by our door, and put the mail in. And, as usual, walked through our weed colony lawn, to the neighbors house (Which happens to be about 30 feet away from our front door). So, eventually a member of my family walked to the door, unlocked the top lock *snap* unlocked the handle lock *crackle* opened our main door *pop*, then worked on the last lock, turn once, turn, twice, thrice, fourth, fifth, and finally, after so much annoying turning, they opened the door, the top of our golden mailbox, and brought it inside.

Well, it wasn't me, because later, my Mom handed me a white envelope, with a return address, the name on it was printed in script: Miss Teen Nationals. Right there, I was confused so I ripped open the envelope, and pulled out a letter. The letter basically said that I was invited to attend the Miss Teen Seminar, for ages 7-19. After I finished the letter, I got excited. I told my Mom about it, and she said that we had nothing to do on October 5th, 2008. So I pre-registred on the website provided, and read, and re-read the letter. (Feeling like I want to FRAME it!!!) Then, I learned that my dearest BFFNMW's performance for the AG Fashion Show was on the same day! I had already said I'd go, especially since her Grandma so generously bought me a $50 ticket! I couldn't and wouldn't say no. I wanted to go to support her (Even though I was probably the oldest girl in the audience... please... Don't STARE at me!) Later on I learned that her performance was at 2:30... So, I was like okay the Seminar's at 5pm. So, it ended up going like this: I had three mapquest maps I printed out. First we drove for a half-hour to the A.G. Fashion Show. Then it ended at after 4:30, I was supposed to be at the seminar in 10 MINUTES! (20 minutes early to register). Then I had to leave in a hurry, and then my Mom was so hungry. That we stopped at McDonalds for a bite to eat. I was so scared that the seminar already started, it felt like my Mom was purposely being slow.... Ugh! The invitation said they would start promtly at 5pm... 5:04, 5:10... Then as soon as she finsihed and slowly got her keys out and put them in the ignition, we couldn't find the hotel... Grrr... Thanks to the stinking twisted road. I was sooo stressed, it was a new emotion, I had NEVER actually expreienced before. Then the music we were listening too, and the singer started singing * I just wasted 10 seconds of your life* It was sooo funny, I started laughing histerically, it sounded like something that would happen in a book. Finally we got there, and they actually HADN'T even started yet (.........). So, I got the paper, registered with my invitation number, and things like if you could describe yourself in one word what would it be and why? And any experience I had in that sort of thing, etc. There was an interview thing, so a group of us got in line, and it happened, I was next in line, and it hit me... I'm nervous! So, one of the ladies called me, and I walked up smiling, with all the courage I had, she asked me a few simple questions. I answered them, then off I went, back into the large room, we watched a video of Nationals, the girls that won get to go to Nationals in Orlando, FL for 6 days and 5 nights. It would be sooo fun to go to. They go mainly to compete for The national award. The lady at the end said that less then half the girls would get in... Tension.... The gave us a booklet on the things about it, and we left. When I finally got home and read the booklet, it said they would get to every one of us in 1-2 days, by phone to say if we got accepted or not. The lady called on Tuesday, and she said she would call back... I began to think, well if I wasn't accepted she probably would've said so in the message...

Now, I was earnestly waited for her to call, but she didn't... I started doubting I got in. Then, in the mail, there was a letter (the booklet also said they would send a letter of acceptance, or not) I got the letter today, it felt like the kind of letter you would get to see if you got accepted in a Collage. That's the way I felt... Ooooh yeah! I was trembling... I slowly opened it... And unfolded the letter, read the first line: Dear Nicole... Continued reading the next sentence: We are excited to announce that... You've been "ACCEPTED"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! Mom!!!! I GOT ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy, I felt like crying. WOOO HOOO!! I finally got this confindence that I could go out and do ANYTHING! I, Nicole, got accepted into this big pagaent program, that girls all over MI wanted to get in, but less then half who came, actually got in, and one of those few girls... Was me!

Now all I need to do, is find sponsors, enough to raise $495. Get make-up and stuff for my photograph session, for Miss Photogenic compotition. Buy a Casual Wear outfit, and a formal wear gown. Find a really nice hairstlye and/or cut for the outfits. A really cool thing though, is that the pagaent rehearsal, AND Production is at the High School, that I was in Bye Bye Birdie at! So, it's like less then a mile to drive! Yeah! Plus, I'm familiar with the Auditiorium and backstage too, which is quite a bonus. Please pray that I'll win Junior Miss Teen! That would be AMAZING! Because then I would go to Nationals in FL to compete for the ultimate title!

There's the amazing story for you guys, TTYL!


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Costume Change-Again!

So, I think that I've got the official outfit tally for my AG Fashion show (they had to change it again because of fitting issues). I'm really glad I do because the show's a week from today! I'm still wearing the Kirsten winter outfit, Samantha's nightgown, and I'm still in Sister Suffragette and We Rock but the contemporary holiday dress that they were waiting for doesn't fit me. Therefore, I switched costumes with a girl much smaller than me who can wear the costume. You're probably thinking, okay, she's smaller than you, how did you fit into her other costume? One word: tailoring. She had had my new outfit tailored to fit her, it's really my size (size 10 from AG is like, crazy big for a 10!). Well, I won't keep you in suspense any longer. My new costume is: (drum roll) Mia's skating practice outfit. Mia is the girl of the year and everybody's really excited about her so this is a really big deal for me! I get more stage time than anyone else, which rocks!!!!! Anyhow, yeah, those are my roles and I'm really excited for the show next week!


Monday, September 15, 2008

My fall

Hey! Sorry that we haven't been able to get on! As I'm sure you know, school started and we've all been very busy! Well, my fall activities began at the beginning of the month. Here's a rough outline of my daily schedule:

  • Sunday: Church
  • Monday: Dance class x2
  • Tuesday: Choir
  • Wednesday: Church drama, Church, Every 4th-Art Class (My art teacher is now having classes like 3 miles away from my house!!!)
  • Thursday: Youth group
  • Friday: Sometimes AG Fashion Show rehearsal, Soon Asst. Stage Manager for a dhow at the theater
  • Saturday: AG Fashion show Rehearsal
And that's not including my brother's schedules! You'll notice that it's mostly drama....yeah. I don't really have a better excuse than, well, that's what i like to do!

So I finally know officially who I'm going to be modeling as in the AG fashion show (and what dances I'm in). Like I said before, I'm modeling Kirsten's winter outfit and am dancing in Sister Suffragette. I'm also modeling Samantha's nightgown and a new contemporary holiday dress. I'll be performing in the dance number 'We Rock' from the new Disney movie "Camp Rock". Yeah...not my first choice, but it means I'll have more stage time so I'll take it. The hardest part is going to be this section where I have to change costumes in approx. 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Not fun. Oh well, prayers would be nice for that one because I'm the only one that the dress would work for and I'd really still like to stay as Kirsten...

Well, thanks for reading,

P.S. Leave a comment if you like to read "Theater girls!"

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I went for my AG fitting today. I tried on 3 outfits but only one of them fit so I'll be wearing a Kirsten outfit in the fashion show. The lady in charge says that there are some other outfits that would work for me but she was saving them for other girls. We'll just have to wait and see. I'm also going to be in the dance number 'Sister Suffragette' from Mary Poppins. My first rehearsal is a week from Saturday so I might get some more info by then.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

AG Fashion Show

Well, my audition went great! I just found out today that I did make it into the show, the only problem is I don't know what I'm doing yet (Who I'm modeling as and/or what dance numbers I'm in)! Tomorrow is my costume fitting so I guess I'll figure out then. I was pretty sure I'd make it because 1. I have a suspicion that they only had 18 girls audition, 2. The lady who taught me the dance gave my sheet to the lady out front then she passed us on her way to one of the back studios. As she passed she said, "Great job! You can go now. I guess we'll see you the first rehearsal!" I just thought, "I guess you will..." So, my fitting is at 3:30 tomorrow and I'm really excited! I'll let you know who I'm modeling for as soon as I know myself!


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Commercial Update

So, last night they announced the finalists in the Kmart commercial contest. Unfortunately, Nicki and I didn't make the cut. We're both disappointed, but, at least for me, not crushed. I totally believe that God has everything in His powerful hands and that He has something else for us. I just want to say thanks to all of you for your support and prayers throughout the contest!


Monday, August 25, 2008

Audition 2night!!!!



Preferably before 8:00 tonight,
but any time would do!

For: Livie's American Girl fashion Show audition

Please pray for God's peace and that
His will will be done in my life.

As the notice reads, I have an audition tonight for an AG fashion show and I would really just like to get a part in it so all prayers are welcome!


Friday, August 15, 2008

Here it is!!!!!!

All right, for those of you who have been waiting (no comment)... Here is the link, (Apparently I can't do outside links...) : Please check it out and vote for us!!!!!

You have no idea how long that took, 1. because the program I have although is good quality, always freezes up a LOT, and 2. Because video editing take's long in general, especially when you want it to look good!

So, please enjoy, and hear this loud and clear: My older brother Darren ACTUALLY said it was good, and yes that means it's REALLY GOOD!!


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Commercial Stuff!

Wow, it's been a while...sorry about that! Well, not much theater has been going on, but Nicki and have had a lot to buzz about lately! We're planning on entering a contest put on be Kmart. They're looking for teens to make their next commercial. The grand prize is a lot of stuff, including a trip to New York! We just filmed it day before yesterday and Nicki is editing it now. once it gets posted on You Tube, we'll put a link to it here. Now's when you come in, if (key word: if) we make the top 20 videos, we'll need all the votes that we can get! So once judging happens, if we post here (and I'm sure, on our other blogs) saying that we're some of the finalists and that we need votes, hit the polls!!! I can't really tell you much about our commercial right now, but I'll get you the link just as soon as it's submitted!


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Theater Girls Photo-ish

Hey everyone! We're working on getting a photo of us, but for now, this will have to do. Tell us what you think! ; )

-*- Nicki -*-

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Summer Dance Classes

Well, my dance classes started last Tuesday, and I love them already! The first class (Ballet Technique) we spend 45 min. at the bar!! You wouldn't think that it would be that hard, but it is! If you're doing it right, you'll be sore! Two days after the last class my calves were so sore that I could barely walk. One was worse than the other so if you had seen me last Thursday, I would have been limping or hopping around on one leg. ; p The second class (Leaps and Turns) is a lot of fun! We just stand in a line in the back or corner of the room and do a certain leap or turn across the studio. I have a friend, Rachel, who surprised me by attending (neither of us knew that the other one was going to be there). We are the only ones in the classes that's not really experienced at dance. It feels weird, but I feel most sorry for her because she's never ever taken ballet before. Anyway, we get to do the simple stuff while all the experienced girls do the more difficult stuff-which I'm really happy about! Basically, dance is really fun and I can't wait to go back next week!


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Lot's of things!

Hey everyone,

If you haven't noticed that I (Nicki) changed the template and template colors, then well, I did! So, I know it's bright, and to be honest, ugly... But, I was really bored, and wanted something bright and different, so if you like it, be honest, if you don't, that's fine. I also added some polls pertaining to theater in some way, and I was going to add some weird pic's me and Livie took, but I went to download them to my computer, I found out that all those pictures were deleted OFF of the camera!!! I'm guessing wither my Dad downloaded them to his computer, then deleted them (Which I hope that's true!) Or, he just deleted them, but that doesn't sound like my Dad. But then again... Who knows? I'll also have some REALLY cool news, that doesn't have anything to with acting, but it has alot to do with being onstage. Now, if you guys read my blog, My Exciting, and Unique Life as a Girl then you should know that I'm in a dance group called Inspire at my Church, well, my Church is doing a Purity Conference (haha, Livie) in September, and they asked us (Inspire people) if we'd do a dance. So, I'm really excited! Inspire was supposed to take a break for the Summer, but I LOVE to dance (Like Livie, except I don't have natural talent.) so I don't mind! But the funny thing is, one Month (August) I'll be going to one Purtity Conference in Lansing with the L.W. Group, and then in September, I'll be going and dancing at one at my Church in Septmember! Well, it's not funny, but at first when Ms. Nikki (our Inspire Director) called, we didn't hear the date for the purity conference (because she left a message) so at first we were thinking it was the same one, and how cool could that be! But it turned out not.... Well, that's my post for now! I'll be sure to try and get those pic's from my Dad PC to mine, and put on here. Please comment, and do the polls, me and Livie will try to add new one's when they close, so our blog will stay of interest, and when School starts in the Fall, we'll probably get more posts on here, because we'd be in plays and things, sooo Yeah!

Theater Girl signing off,

- + -Nicki- + -

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer Dancing and an Audition

So, I know that this isn't really theater stuff, but I'm going to be taking a few dance classes next month, just for fun. I'll be taking 'Ballet Technique' and 'Leaps and Turns' classes at the studio that my choreographer (from the musicals that I have been in) owns. I'm really excited! The classes start in about two weeks. Also, in August, I'm planning on auditioning in Novi to be in an American Girl fashion show. I am really excited about it because I went to see an AG fashion show once with Nicki and ever since I've always thought that it would be fun to be in one. Well, that's it for now!


Saturday, June 14, 2008


Me and Livie were doing this game in letters for a while, so I thought we could do it on here. Intstructions: I'll start the story with one sentence, you comment with another sentence, adding a part to the story. Rules: Don't comment with more then one sentence, or two comments in a row. Let the game begin! I'll start:

Long Long into the future, there was a girl.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Nicki reporting!
Okay, so I thought I'd inform you guys that I have an audition coming up in October for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and really really really want the part of Susan, but if I get a chorus I'm okay with that too. So keep me in your prayers for my audition (although it's 3-4 months away)! Thanks,



Hey, everybody! Just wanted to say hi for both myself and my associate, Nicki. We've created this blog, for pretty random reasons, but mainly to inform you on all things theater. ; ) We'll both try to post on our other blogs (Fayleke and Liviemylifeasagirl) often, but we wanted to try joint blogging for a bit. On this blog will be a lot of fun, yet random, things. Tell us if you want more material, I'm sure we'll be able to come up with stuff (as they say, two heads are better than one). Well, that's all I can think of to write, and I have to get off, so hope you like it, and let the fun begin!