Thursday, August 28, 2008


I went for my AG fitting today. I tried on 3 outfits but only one of them fit so I'll be wearing a Kirsten outfit in the fashion show. The lady in charge says that there are some other outfits that would work for me but she was saving them for other girls. We'll just have to wait and see. I'm also going to be in the dance number 'Sister Suffragette' from Mary Poppins. My first rehearsal is a week from Saturday so I might get some more info by then.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

AG Fashion Show

Well, my audition went great! I just found out today that I did make it into the show, the only problem is I don't know what I'm doing yet (Who I'm modeling as and/or what dance numbers I'm in)! Tomorrow is my costume fitting so I guess I'll figure out then. I was pretty sure I'd make it because 1. I have a suspicion that they only had 18 girls audition, 2. The lady who taught me the dance gave my sheet to the lady out front then she passed us on her way to one of the back studios. As she passed she said, "Great job! You can go now. I guess we'll see you the first rehearsal!" I just thought, "I guess you will..." So, my fitting is at 3:30 tomorrow and I'm really excited! I'll let you know who I'm modeling for as soon as I know myself!


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Commercial Update

So, last night they announced the finalists in the Kmart commercial contest. Unfortunately, Nicki and I didn't make the cut. We're both disappointed, but, at least for me, not crushed. I totally believe that God has everything in His powerful hands and that He has something else for us. I just want to say thanks to all of you for your support and prayers throughout the contest!


Monday, August 25, 2008

Audition 2night!!!!



Preferably before 8:00 tonight,
but any time would do!

For: Livie's American Girl fashion Show audition

Please pray for God's peace and that
His will will be done in my life.

As the notice reads, I have an audition tonight for an AG fashion show and I would really just like to get a part in it so all prayers are welcome!


Friday, August 15, 2008

Here it is!!!!!!

All right, for those of you who have been waiting (no comment)... Here is the link, (Apparently I can't do outside links...) : Please check it out and vote for us!!!!!

You have no idea how long that took, 1. because the program I have although is good quality, always freezes up a LOT, and 2. Because video editing take's long in general, especially when you want it to look good!

So, please enjoy, and hear this loud and clear: My older brother Darren ACTUALLY said it was good, and yes that means it's REALLY GOOD!!


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Commercial Stuff!

Wow, it's been a while...sorry about that! Well, not much theater has been going on, but Nicki and have had a lot to buzz about lately! We're planning on entering a contest put on be Kmart. They're looking for teens to make their next commercial. The grand prize is a lot of stuff, including a trip to New York! We just filmed it day before yesterday and Nicki is editing it now. once it gets posted on You Tube, we'll put a link to it here. Now's when you come in, if (key word: if) we make the top 20 videos, we'll need all the votes that we can get! So once judging happens, if we post here (and I'm sure, on our other blogs) saying that we're some of the finalists and that we need votes, hit the polls!!! I can't really tell you much about our commercial right now, but I'll get you the link just as soon as it's submitted!
